The last time I had a conversation with one of my colleagues, there were 2 questions that he asked, that keep coming back to my mind every now and then.
Tapi I rasa I nak share satu je dulu sebab baru-baru ni I rasa I dah jumpa jawapan untuk yg satu ni.
Do you have things that keep you awake at night?
Masa tu, jawapan I - NO.
Then you are able to sleep peacefully at night?
Dan I jawab - YES.
Cuma lepas tu I terfikir why? Is there anything that I'm missing out in my life? Sebab I rasa I have everything yang I perlu, I ada orang yang I sayang, then apa lagi?
Tapi kadang-kadang juga I tertanya-tanya, why my life is so perfect (to me lah) sampaikan I have nothing to complaint dah. Setahu I, mesti sedikit sebanyak akan ada dugaan tapi for years dah, I rasa tak ada apa yang perlu I risaukan.
Tapi, finally when this thing happened, I tetiba teringat balik kepada soalan tu and I rasa I dah ada jawapan.
There are 2 things that can make you awake at night;
- Excitement
- Sadness
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