Baby #3 is on the way gaiss. How excited is that? We are super excited for this sebab kita dah tunggu lama dah untuk doktor cakap, "yes, you may proceed" gittew.
So bila bulan lepas doktor kata "fingers crossed, hopefully, everything will be fine" then apa lagi 😆.
I buat UPT test on the day that I sepatutnya period, and it came out with this.
We went to the doctor to have a scan today sebab kalau ikutkan last period I dah 8 weeks pregnant. Alhamdulillah we can see the baby and the heartbeat! Memang sengaja taknak pergi scan awal sebab I taknak repeat scan musim-musim covid ni memang nak stay at home je.
So itu je lah news yang I nak deliver today. This baby will be due February 2022. I hope this pregnancy will go well for both me and baby. Please pray for our health and safety ok. I'll pray for you too. Stay safe korang!